Visitor Use Management - Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park is launching development of a Visitor Use Management Plan to adapt to increasing visitation in the park.

Visitation to Jasper National Park rose 20% over the last 10 years and is expected to continue to rise. More people than ever before are visiting and connecting with this special place.

Higher numbers of people on the landscape are causing issues like congestion, crowding, human-wildlife conflict, and impacts to ecosystems.

Planning for visitor use management helps protect the mountain ecosystems that make Jasper National Park special while providing high quality experiences for visitors and residents alike.

Plan Scope

The Visitor Use Management Plan will focus on visitor access and use of the following busy day-use locations:

  • Lake Annette and Lake Edith
  • Old Fort Point
  • Maligne Canyon
  • Pyramid and Patricia Lakes
  • Mount Edith Cavell
  • Valley of the Five Lakes

80% of Jasper's visitors arrive during the summer, so planning will focus on summer access and use only (May-September). The visitor use management planning process may be extended to other locations and times of year in the future.

We want your feedback!

The first phase of engagement on visitor use management planning for Jasper National Park is now underway. The public comment period is open through September 13, 2024.

Engagement with you, the public, Indigenous partners and stakeholders aims to understand your thoughts on challenges and opportunities with increasing visitation.

You can share your thoughts in two different ways:

  1. Complete our Survey
  2. Write to us at

Thank you for your time and participation!

Jasper National Park is launching development of a Visitor Use Management Plan to adapt to increasing visitation in the park.

Visitation to Jasper National Park rose 20% over the last 10 years and is expected to continue to rise. More people than ever before are visiting and connecting with this special place.

Higher numbers of people on the landscape are causing issues like congestion, crowding, human-wildlife conflict, and impacts to ecosystems.

Planning for visitor use management helps protect the mountain ecosystems that make Jasper National Park special while providing high quality experiences for visitors and residents alike.

Plan Scope

The Visitor Use Management Plan will focus on visitor access and use of the following busy day-use locations:

  • Lake Annette and Lake Edith
  • Old Fort Point
  • Maligne Canyon
  • Pyramid and Patricia Lakes
  • Mount Edith Cavell
  • Valley of the Five Lakes

80% of Jasper's visitors arrive during the summer, so planning will focus on summer access and use only (May-September). The visitor use management planning process may be extended to other locations and times of year in the future.

We want your feedback!

The first phase of engagement on visitor use management planning for Jasper National Park is now underway. The public comment period is open through September 13, 2024.

Engagement with you, the public, Indigenous partners and stakeholders aims to understand your thoughts on challenges and opportunities with increasing visitation.

You can share your thoughts in two different ways:

  1. Complete our Survey
  2. Write to us at

Thank you for your time and participation!

  • Jasper National Park is developing a Visitor Use Management Plan to adapt to increasing visitation in the Park. 

    We want to hear from you.

    We are interested in learning about things that prevent you from accessing and enjoying busy areas in Jasper, and what actions to address these concerns interest you. 

    This survey is open now through September 13, 2024, and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All questions are optional and your participation is anonymous and voluntary. 

    Your feedback will be used to develop proposals for actions to address issues associated with increasing visitation in Jasper. We will be asking for input on these proposed actions in 2025. 

    We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. 

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 19 Jun 2024, 10:33 AM