Waterton Lakes Powerboating Review

Motorized watercraft docked in the Waterton Park marina

Parks Canada is conducting a review of the recreational use of powerboats in Waterton Lakes National Park. Motorized boating is currently permitted via Superintendent’s Order on Upper and Middle Waterton lakes and has been for many years.

Why a review?

The purpose of the powerboating review and assessment is to determine if the activity in its current form contributes to Canadians’ long-term vision for the park and Parks Canada’s management objectives. This review was a commitment in Waterton Lakes National Park’s most recent management plan (2022). This commitment can be found under Objective 2.3 of the plan:

“Visitor-use patterns are

Parks Canada is conducting a review of the recreational use of powerboats in Waterton Lakes National Park. Motorized boating is currently permitted via Superintendent’s Order on Upper and Middle Waterton lakes and has been for many years.

Why a review?

The purpose of the powerboating review and assessment is to determine if the activity in its current form contributes to Canadians’ long-term vision for the park and Parks Canada’s management objectives. This review was a commitment in Waterton Lakes National Park’s most recent management plan (2022). This commitment can be found under Objective 2.3 of the plan:

“Visitor-use patterns are proactively managed to maintain natural and cultural resource protection and exceptional visitor experiences.”

Take the survey

Canada’s National Parks are for all Canadians. The views and opinions from people across the country collected through this survey will help inform management decisions by Parks Canada. This survey is open until October 30, 2024. The survey is anonymous.

Parks Canada takes protection of privacy seriously. Information collected in this survey will be stored on servers located within Canada. Please do not provide personal or third-party information (e.g. names, contact details, or information about other people) in your responses.

Your survey responses are being collected for the purpose of engagement and data analysis for Parks Canada's Waterton Lakes powerboating review and assessment project. This collection of personal information is authorized under the ‘Privacy Act’.

Page last updated: 25 Sep 2024, 01:16 PM